Are you wondering how to do a ssk in knitting? If you’re reading this post, chances are you’ve encountered this abbreviation in a knitting pattern and are unsure how it’s done. While tackling a project to make a greyhound soft toy dog I came across this term.
So What is the SSK Technique?
The ssk method is a way of decreasing knitting. Two stitches are knitted into one.
When we decrease the resulting technique can leave the stitches leaning either to the left or to the right depending on the way that decrease was done. With the ssk method of knitting, you will see that the stitches lean to the left. If you do a decrease by knitting two together ie k2tog then that decrease will lean to the right
If you looked at the abbreviation and tried to work it out, you’d be forgiven for thinking it was just slip, slip, and knit – ie where is the decrease in that? It should really be ss knit 2 slipped stitches together – once you know what it actually means you’ll know in future that it’s a decrease.
SSK is often used opposite a K2tog in a design.
You’ll very often find that a ssk is called for in the same row as a k2tog where the shaping occurs on opposite ends. One will decrease leaning to the left – ssk, and the other will lean to the right – k2tog.
For example when shaping knitted pieces to make a soft toy such as the greyhound dog you need to do these decreasing methods together to get the opposite or mirrored shaping. In this project, the ears of the dog are shaped with these two decreases on opposite ends.
How to do the ssk
There are slightly different ways of doing the ssk, but the one that was called for in the greyhound pattern is the one I am describing here as it results in a flatter more aesthetically pleasing appearance.
- Slip one stitch knit-wise – ie with the yarn at the back
- Slip another stitch purl-wise – ie with the yarn again at the back
- Take the tip of the left-hand needle and insert it into the front of both of the slipped stitches on the right-hand needle and knit them together.
Video Tutorial of SSK done neatly
Here is a clear video tutorial I found that demonstrates the method.
I Hope this tutorial clears up any confusion about how to do the ssk using the neatest method.
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